Friday, 1 August 2008

KINO 2nd Draft

Tonight the film was cut to a fine shape 1 hour 34 mins 34 secs and 17 frames... what a lovely number. Now just some pic up scenes to do and sound and music and colourisation and sharpening up again and then one more time and then maybe again and its done!

Thanks to all's support. Matt and Aleah for the aural delights that are coming and the constant support especially from Greg who i cant thank enough. It's amazing how an email can spur one on when the edit blues grow dark!

So cool cool

ALL systems are go

XM :)

Saturday, 19 July 2008


Modigliani had a Beatrice!

editing again... Second draft is about half way now

back to the cave :-)


Sunday, 24 February 2008

1 st Draft

The first draft of KINO has been edited. About 6 months quicker than I thought I'd do it. So I'm pretty stoked by that as new babies slow you down and it has.... but not as much as I'd thought... So on to a more precise cut and the sound mixing.


Maybe give myself a night off tonight hey?

Big love shouting out to the cavernous void that is the blog over edit time :-)
