Saturday, 28 July 2007

50s and getting ready

Had a delightful morning with Holly today and here is a photo that will be transformed a little more into the fifties lady Mary Sawyer who became the Saffron Sapphire Owner... Then Kino stepped in!!!
Now I hope all is ready for tomorrow and the office scenes and then the awesome camping/filming epic.
I cannot wait.... Beautiful!!!
God Bless

Monday, 23 July 2007

Two Shoots

Just shot the sixties shot with Jenny and they look amazing while Finn cooed himself to sleep probably thinking how lovely it was to have Kim around. Then Rob and Zee came around to film Kim running away to the cemetry scene. We got to see her in her ball gown...


My word this looked amazing. The atmosphere yet again was so beautiful, eirry, and so KINO, it will become it's own adjective soon between hit and miss, sublime and blurred. Incredible experience every scene. and thursday we begin with Greg's scenes. Hard core3 or 4 scenes after evening falls yet again and so the filming continues.

What an experience. I don't want any of it to end. I don't!!!

I better go to bed now

God Bless

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Scenes 45,46,12,13,14,15

I am in a sleepy daze this morning after the Sunday shoot and last nights shoot. After an amazing couple of fruitful days filming I am so happy with how the film is going. The cast have such drive and energy behind their work and the crew are so positive and caring. There is an energy here which is very special and I hope we deliver a movie that is worthy of our efforts. I think we very well might!!!

Well Done Ruth an an amazing performance the other day. You look stunning too. So cinematic! And Kim I think you need to know this is a real career for you if you ever have any doubts in your acting ability. A dream for a director to work with.

Sab and Zee, John, Abby awesome to be on set with and tomorrow Rob starts. YAY!!!

So much to write so little energy ;)


Monday, 16 July 2007

Rain and Heels

Hello beautiful people!

Had a great shoot Sunday am. If you've got it in you, everyone should get into town centre first thing on a Sunday morning, it's soo tranquil!

My feet are fu*ked! You should see the shoes I had to wear, like 3 inch killers! Then dragged round town centre in the pissing down rain. It's going to look so good on film. The slips are real and the pain on the face is real and it's just all worth it in the end. Thanks to everyone who was there, it was a wonderful morning.

Warning to all, Tesco's tikka chicken wraps are rank! he he

Big love to all
B xxx

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

First Journal

On Monday, the filming of KINO began. 9th July 2007. The film is looking beautiful already and the people involved are already making me feel like there is no other place in the world I'd rather be than creating with these special talented people. I am very lucky to have you all on board for such an exciting project.

Imminent, Urgent, Beautiful, Surreal, Thrilling

All my love to you and the project

Let us make a fucking good movie

over and out
Marco xxx

PS... I am very interested in inviting any of your friends or acquaintances or industry creatives who may want to contribute to Kino dialogues, monologues, diatribes or the sweetest comments. So send me their contact details and I can invite them along!!!